Strong wind and turbulences
The training device allows to simulate selected weather situations. Turbulences are perceived as in reality because the displacement of the helicopter is seen exactly by the pilot. An animated windsock and the yaw string give the pilot additional indications about the wind. The bumpy conditions can be felt as a motion platform simulates the helicopter movements.
Temperature and pressure
The temperature and pressure can be adjusted to the training scenario. Deviations to ISA standard values have an influence on the helicopter’s performance, as real.
Take off in low visibility
Thanks to the virtual reality technology, the pilot is completely immersed within a 360 degrees and three dimensional panoramic view. This allows to conduct scenario-based training in a most realistic environment even it should not be executed in real live with a helicopter equipped like this Robinson R22.
Changing visibility
Our simulation allow to change weather situations like the variation of the visibility, ceiling or top of clouds smoothly as required for the training session. Several visibility layers are available to design demanding weather sceneries.
Transitioning into fog
The Loft Dynamics training solution depicts gentle thawing into fog or a cloud layer with a smooth transition.
Clouds obscure the sky partially. This allows to design realistic weather condition for scenario-based training.
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Change of runway and heliport lighting
Runway and heliport lights give the pilot a better reference at night or when visibility is poor. Helicopter lighting like the landing light, the glare of the position and anticollision light permit realistic training during night.