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    Avoid falling into the trap

    Whiteout and brownout conditions—when visibility is reduced by loose snow or sand during landing—pose a serious risk to helicopter pilots. As visual references become marginal or disappear altogether, controlling the helicopter can become dangerously difficult.

    Realistic Simulation

    Loft Dynamics simulators allow pilots to explore these challenging conditions, including whipped-up snow or sand, in lifelike detail. With cutting-edge VR technology, including a realistic 3D panoramic view and accurate height perception, you can experience whiteout and brownout conditions just as they happen in real flight. The simulator's realistic flight behavior at low speeds and hover fully immerses you in the scenario.

    Train Safely, Adapt to Your Needs

    Practice controlling the helicopter in severely restricted visibility, relying on minimal references or experience the total loss of ground cues. The instructor can precisely adjust the density and height of the snow or sand, providing training at any difficulty level. Find your limits and enhance your competencies — without any risk.

    Skill- and Scenario-Based Training

    Our skill- and scenario-based training prepares you safely and realistically for what happens when snow or sand is whipped up around you, enhancing your piloting skills and competency.