The training concept of integrating simulator-based training into flight training generally increases learning effectiveness and efficiency. This increases retention, reduces errors and pilots are better prepared for their missions.
- Train normal and emergency situations in a safe and highly realistic environment (PPL / CPL / Vuichard exercises)
- Be ready for your next critical situation: train your muscle memory and reflexes
- Practice single pilot resource management in scenario based trainings
Find out how you can benefit from our Loft Dynamics Training Solution:
Simulator Pilot
You are interested in flying helicopters and want to explore the workplace of professional pilots? On the simulator of Loft Dynamics you can experiences how to fly a helicopter. Safely, at low costs and environmentally friendly.
When booking several lessons, you learn to fly the helicopter guided by a flight instructor and then apply the learned in the real one. Watch the video about our hover experiment here.
- You do not need any prior knowledge
- Learn about flying a helicopter on a professional training device
- Experience the realism of the Airbus approved virtual reality simulator
- Explore how to operate and fly a helicopter step by step under professional guidance
- Enjoy the phantastic bird’s eye view of the high-resolution 3D scenery
- Book and fly at any daytime, regardless of the weather - Give a simulator flight as a gift!
Read here about the special week at Air Zermatt.
Its fun! Try it out. Fly Virtual. Train Real.

Student Pilot

Enjoy your first real flying experience as a skilled student. The competency you achieve with the Loft Dynamics Training Solution will save you from paying additional hours of real flight time. As a result, you save money and get a higher proficiency – a double gain! Students regularly exceed the legal minimum of 45h of helicopter flight time to obtain their private pilot license. Experience shows that serious helicopter training requires an average of 60h of helicopter flight time. Implementing the Loft Dynamics training concept enables you to complete your pilot training within 45h of real helicopter flight time. Take a look at our experiment: Hovering a real helicopter for the first time
Additionally, you benefit from its unique advantages
- Practice independently at any time and in any weather. Learn to fly in winter and enjoy the real flight experience in summer
- Focus on tricky routine exercises until you reach proficiency
- Use your time efficiently for de-/briefings: no fuelling, no warm-ups, no flight time to training areas, no helicopter cleaning
- Train abnormal and emergency procedures risk-free
- Concentrate on the essentials in a much quieter and climatically comfortable environment
- Gain an edge over traditional student pilots
Private Pilot
Improve your confidence for your next check ride. Perform your proficiency check on our Airbus H125 FSTD. No matter what real weather conditions prevail outside, you can perform refreshers at any time and in any weather. Ready for the next challenge? With scenario-based training, you will improve your situational awareness and learn to master unforeseen situations calmly and systematically.
As an experienced pilot, you will especially benefit from simulator training. Push the envelope to its limits! Train demanding scenarios and emergency procedures that cannot be trained on a real helicopter for safety reasons – completely risk-free on the simulator.
Train on a budget and still get the best possible proficiency. Simulator training hours can be used much more efficiently to train and repeat specific procedures, plus they are much cheaper compared to real helicopter flight time. Overall gain: Pure joy and more confidence for your next real helicopter flight experience!

Commercial Pilot

Need to prepare for your refreshers, license checks or upgrades? Perform your proficiency check on our Airbus H125 FSTD. Increase your flying precision and practice more hours methodically while paying less “flying” on the simulator. World premiere: HESLO mission training. Learn mirror and vertical reference techniques. Gain highest accuracy and refine your skills with the SRS MPVK (Maximum Pilot View Kit) virtually on our Loft Dynamics Training Solution.
Flight Instructor
Integrate the Loft Dynamics Training Solution into your classroom lessons to show actions live. It offers unprecedented possibilities to demonstrate peculiar procedures, failures or consequences of errors without any risk. Teach your students basic manoeuvres, advanced techniques and emergency procedures on the simulator. In the safe and appropriate environment, instruction means less workload for you and your trainees will learn faster. Thereafter they will be able to apply the learned in the real helicopter close to mastery level.
Train yourself to be ready for any critical situation with students.

Approved Training Organisation

Flying VFR in IMC? Boost your training efficiency and schedule your students for flight training on the Loft Dynamics Training Solution under virtually perfect weather conditions, regardless of the forecast. Your students will graduate at a high skill level and need less average flight time to obtain their pilot licenses – a gain in safety and a boost to your flight school's reputation. Reserve your training solution today and set the new standards in flight training with us. Be among the first ATOs to offer the most advanced flight training compared to your competitors.
Maximise your efficiency and safety scheduling internal trainings, refreshers or proficiency checks (LPC and OPC) on the FSTD. Maintain your pilots’ proficiency particularly for rare, demanding missions, ideally during idle times.
Train your junior pilots step by step to highest proficiency. After an initial investment, you can operate our Training Solution at practically no extra cost compared to flight time on a real helicopter, without burning a drop of fuel.