Private Pilot Training Concept Using Loft Dynamics Simulators to Enhance Flight Safety
Realistic and Safe Training
Realistic emergency training is challenging to achieve in a real helicopter. Many malfunctions and situations can only be partially trained or discussed theoretically. Such incomplete training may lead to negative learning outcomes, as pilots might not acquire the correct behavior and may respond improperly when faced with unforeseen events. To reduce the accident rate, aviation authorities and safety experts have long advocated for intensifying pilot training. Thanks to Loft Dynamics simulators, pilots can now undergo realistic training for abnormal situations and scenarios tailored to their specific needs. Flight schools equipped with Loft Dynamics training devices offer modern training programs specially designed for private pilots, covering various topics. These programs include loss of tail rotor thrust, full-down autorotations, workload and decision-making strategies to enhance pilot competencies. You can opt for training that targets specific malfunctions distributed over a year or plan a customized program based on your requirements.
Pilots Enthusiastic about the Training
Numerous pilots have already completed this training and are impressed with its efficiency and the opportunities it offers.

Patrick Zureni
Private Pilot flying at Heli Academy
A "Must" for Private Pilots
Our program allows flight students, private pilots, and commercial pilots to undergo comprehensive training in situations that may occur during flight operations. The simulator's significant advantage lies in its ability to tailor sessions to each trainee's needs. What has been flown can be debriefed in a calm atmosphere and immediately repeated. After a training sequence, a debriefing in a calm atmosphere can be performed and an immediate repetition is possible to achieve fast learning. "This allows for a safe building of experience without any risk, leading to highly efficient training.", explains Reto Ammann, the flight instructor who designed the course. "Regularly undergoing such training is essential for every pilot to be prepared for the unforeseen," he adds.

Reto Ammann
Helicopter Flight Instructor, Heli Academy/Loft Dynamics
Available at Various Locations
In addition to charter pilots from specific flight schools, the training is available to any pilot. Heli Academy in Dübendorf offers courses on their Robinson R22 Simulator. Mountainflyers in Bern and Vertical Mission Training in Mönchengladbach provide training on Robinson R22 and Airbus H125 training devices. For more information, contact one of the training center operators.
Examples of Trainings
- Full touch-down autorotation after engine failure
- Handling of a stuck pedal
- Avoidance and recovery from inadvertent instrument meteorological conditions (IIMC)
- Malfunction training
Ask us to compose your personalized training program! Enhance your flight safety and be prepared for the unforeseen.
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