Avoiding negative training
Training and checking in the right helicopter
In the real helicopter it is mostly not possible to practice malfunctions realistically. Usually, action strategies and procedures are in trainings and checks only discussed or switches just touched without experiencing the effects. This might have the negative consequence that the pilot does not act as he should in an actual situation facing an unforeseen event. Such a training concept has as well the disadvantage that often only a fraction of the entire problem solving process is covered.
Training and checking on the Loft Dynamics training device
Executing training and checking on the realistic Loft Dynamics training device enables you to train and apply all procedures as described in the flight manual. This enables you to develop lasting entire action strategies to be prepared for any situation. This without any pressure concerning time and costs. The rounded-up pilot competencies help you developing the required resilience to operate safely.
Claudia Zürcher
Private Pilot