FAMEX 2023
Exhibiting the first time in South America
In conjunction with the EU-Latin America Cooperation on Civil Aviation Partnership Project, through this cooperation Loft Dynamics and Airbus Helicopters demonstrated the benefits and potential of the technology in improving flight safety in the helicopter industry. High-level VR simulator training was identified as an important measure for achieving this. The simulator enables training from ab-initio lessons to demanding scenario-based exercises, which was highlighted during the event.

Sven Tschudi
VP Sales
EU-Latin America and Caribbean Aviation Partnership Project
The EU-Latin America and Caribbean Aviation Partnership Project aims to enhance the political, economic and environmental partnership between the EU and Latin America and the Caribbean in the field of civil aviation. This will be achieved by strengthening institutional links, promoting regulatory harmonization, addressing capacity limitations and supporting environmental protection and climate action.

Scott Firsing
Head of North America Sales
Images: Copyright by Airbus Helicopters 2023 photos by Roberto Hernandez